She shoots....she scores!
And the crowd goes wild!!!!..... Ok, not really. But the scoring part was true- I just played in a water polo game and added a point for us- we won. The score was like 17-3 or something ridiculous like that. But it was fun and very relaxing- not too competetive because mostly everyone was a beginner, which is fine with me because I am no pro. Women´s water polo is just starting to gain a bit of popularity here in Chile- there are only four teams in all of Santiago.It was good that it wasn´t too demanding because I had a long night last night. It wasn´t planned- I really just wanted to do laundry (yes, more laundry- but this time at the my landlords apartment down the street) and chill at home. But a friend called and wanted to make sushi- of course I couldn´t say no because sushi is one of my favorite foods. So he came over and gave my roomate, Adrien, and I a sushi class. Now I am a natural pro at that. Mine was the prettiest. :-)
A friend of Adrien´s was having a going away party (he is returning to Ecuador) very close to my house, so I started a load of wash and followed the lead to the party (this was at about midnight). But everyone at the party decided that they wanted to go out and dance....and since I love to dance, I tagged along. We stayed out until about 4 (which is early according to Chilean time) but decided to go home. I needed to finish my laundry anyways.
So I went back to my landlord´s apartment and switched the load then went home to catch a bit of shut-eye. An hour later, the concierge called me to let me know that it was time to put everything in the dryer. So I went back, switched everything to the dryer, and chatted with the concierge until sunrise when my load finished.
So yeah, I had a long night. Luckily I didn´t have to be at the pool until 1, so I was able to sleep until about noon. Now, I am going to go home and eat sushi leftovers. I think I am in heaven.
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