Is that Spanish?
I just came from the US Embassy in Santiago- its set-up seemed more like a DMV or university than anything. But it didn´t take too long to accomplish my goal of filling out the card to apply for an absentee ballot. The real trick will be whether or not the ballot actually arrives in the mail. I hope so...While I was waiting, I took note of the HORRIFIC pronunciation of the people on the loudspeaker. Instead of saying "ventana nueve" (window nine), the people were saying things like "venia nova" and "venta noiva"- words that don´t exist and hardly sound like the ones that do. Their Gringles (bad Spanish) was hard enough for me to understand because it is like a puzzle- you have to change some of the syllables and consonants in your head in order to understand what they are trying to say- almost like Pig Latin. I wonder how hard it is for the Chileans?
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