Friday, April 16, 2004

Paraguas (Umbrella)

So I got to break out the umbrella during the last few days because it has been raining down here (yes, it is fall in the southern hemisphere). We´ve had a bit of thunder and lightening and quite a bit more rain. The only thing that I don´t like about it is that the clouds trap in the smog and it is a lot harder to breath. But, my asthma is doing alright. I haven´t gotten sick (knock on wood!) so that is good. A little congested, yes, but nothing more.

Una Despedida (Goodbye)

One of my fellow Rotary Scholars (Aimee) will be leaving us in Santiago and returning home to California. She got a nasty bacterial infection and with her weak immune system, she was unable to fight it off. After a bout in the hospital and her mom flying down here, it was decided that it would be best for her to return. Definitely sad to see her go, but I think it will be best for her. I don´t think she was having a good experience here anyways.