Monday, March 29, 2004

The Place I Want to Wake Up To

If I knew that it existed, I would wake up to a place where the population greeted everyone with a kiss on the cheek along with a smile and salutation. It would be a society where everyone danced to express their contentment and worked together to fix the things that brought about discontenment.

It would be a city near the beach, the mountains, and the desert, with hardly any pollution because everyone would be able to walk, ride bikes, take public transportation, or use solar-energized cars. It would be a place where people all stayed on the right side of the escalator so that those who are in a hurry would be able to continue walking on the left side.

It would be a culture where familiars would eat together and talk instead of playing video games or watching television all the time. People would play sports or read in their spare time.

It would be a world where people respected cultural and idealogical differences, and a place where individual development is prized more than technological advancement.

In this place, people would work hard but still have time to enjoy relationships, natural beauty, and time by themselves. They would be able to be satisfied more easily, and not feel the pressure of having to get new material objects to be happy or impress others.

This would be my ideal place to live. If only I could find a place like it in this physical world, because right now it only exists in my mind...