Friday, September 03, 2004

RNC- Really Not Convincing?

On the way to school, I thought of something really funny to write about in this blog- it made me laugh out loud. But for the life of me, I can´t remember what it was... so I can´t write about it.

So instead, I am going to talk about... the weather. Not so funny, huh? But the thing is cloudy outside and it is threatening to rain! Normally this wouldn´t make me all that happy, but if just one storm can be squeezed out, I will be a happy camper because then I can go snow boarding on Wednesday. It would be a great way to celebrate after the Finance quiz that I have on Monday....

Oh, I remember what the funny thing was- the Republican National Convention and our dear president´s speech!

W. Bush said last night that values and institutions don´t change- but I don´t think that I have ever heard him say anything so...wrong (but does that really come as a surprise?). It is precisely a society´s dinamic values that keep it "alive"- any society that does not evolve, dies. And if institutions don´t evolve following a society´s demands (especially in a democracy), then that static nature creates a large injustice because it is negating it´s inherent property of change.

And one of Bush´s proposals- giving young people the opportunity to create personal tax free accounts in order to give us the opportunity to "save" for social security. What a joke as an "opportunity". Bascially, he will tax us to pay for the older generation´s SS while at the same time, force us to save for our own since he knows that by the time we reach retiring age, there will be ablsolutely nothing in SS to give to us anyways.

And that bologna about letting the patient and medical professionals decide their treatment instead of the beauracrats in DC? Well, if he was so serious about letting them decide for themselves, he wouldn´t be so set on being that same beauracrat in DC that takes away the right of the women in the US to decide for themselves with their medical professional...

And the attack on Kerry for not voting for the 87 billion towards the troops in Iraq? Yeah, that was because he knew that it would pass anyways and he had to take a stance against the 20 BILLION of that contract that he knew would be going to Haliburton...

And Kerry... what a Democrat! I like a lot of his ideas, but going into office with such a deficit, it just won´t be possible for him to do everything that he has layed out on the table. So maybe he´ll just have to admit that the US entered into another Vietnam and pull out some of the troops (which wouldn´t be so bad because then maybe my friend Bryon could come home) and let the Coalition of the Willing (which NOW numbers over forty, but when we declared war on Iraq was significantly less- more like seven or something ridiculously low like that) have more of a say. That is the point of a coalition, you know? There is no "I" (nor U.S.) in TEAMWORK. Then he could put that 87 billion towards domestic issues- like the biggest deficit the US has ever seen, the unemployment rate, etc, etc, etc.

Ok, enough of my ranting and raving. I have to go to class. I have to learn about financial risk (seems like the US government should be coming to school with me...)