Two is Better Than One
In case you didn´t read the news- Chile won two gold medals in tennis! Yesterday, Nicólas Massú beat USA´s Mardy Fish for the gold in mens tennis! That means that Chile now has two gold medals to its name!The ceremony was picturesque- two Chileans side by side (Massú with the gold and Fernando González with bronze) and an American with silver! I was so proud to be where I was at (Chile) and be where I am from (the US)!!
People were partying like crazy- the Alameda (main street in Santiago) at Plaza Italia (where the big cell phone buidling is) was closed down due to the large crowd that gathered to chant and dance for over five hours after the match had ended.
Afrien and I met at Plaza Italia in order to enjoy the spectacle- the streets were lined with cars creating such a traffic mess- but no one cared because that was the point! Everyone was hanging out of the windows with Chilean flags and yelling out the uniting cheer- "Chi-Chi-Chi! Le-Le-Le! ¡Viva Chile!"
People are still talking about it- although most people think that soccer would be the national sport, tennis has actually grown so much in popularity during the last ten years that Chileans actually consider it the national sport. Well, after many years of long, hard work and private financial support (meaning no athlete in Chile really receives much government support), Chileans are now at the top of their game!!
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