Santiago in 100 Words
Since coming to Santiago, I have always noticed the stories on the lighted billboard-like signs in the metro that showcase the winning entries in the contest that is put on every year by the city- Santiago en 100 Palabras (Santiago in 100 Words). I wrote the greatest piece that I am sure would have taken at least honorable mention because it is way better than some of the ones that I have read. Unfortunately, the deadline was this past Friday and I completely forgot to submit it. I was pissed when I realized it. Oh well. I may have my friend Natalia submit it for me next year. But for the time being, I am going to post it here so that those of you who speak Spanish will be able to enjoy it... Oh yeah, I think it actually might be a few words over one hundred because I didn´t really finish editing it. But here it is anyways...En el Metro
Tuve prisa solo para esparar. Me gustaría no tener que ni escuchar a la flaquita cantante norteamericana que sale en todas las televisores y me muevo hacia donde llegara la primera caja. Quiero sentarme- me duelen los hombros. Ajusto mis pantalones que cada día se apretan más y trato ignorar el peso de la mirada del jóven. No tengo hambre pero mi impaciencia me hace querer algo. Saco el pan para el almuerzo y empiezo roerlo. Puedo comprar más. Mezclado con el ruido del metro, escucho un calvado murmurar "Mmmujer...marraqueta. Mi favorita." Mis mejillas se ponen rojas. Dudo que hablara del pan.
For those of you that don´t read Spanish, this is a narrative about being stared at and being subjected to what migth be translated as compliments but are usually received as unwarranted pick-up lines or flirtatious come-ons (but not really to pick you up). It isn´t an account of an actual just came out when the pen started writing. :-)
In the Subway
After hurrying only to wait, I walk to where the first car should arrive in order to ignore the skinny American singer who is on all of the televisions. I want to sit down- my back and shoulders hurt. While adjusting my pants that are getting tighter every day, I try to ignore the heavy stare of the young man who is next to me. I´m not hungry but my impatience makes me want something. I take the bread that should be for lunch from its bag and begin to gnaw on it. I can buy more later. Mixed with the noise of the subway´s arrival, I hear a bald man murmur "Mmmmy lady...those buns are my favorite." My cheeks turn bright red. I doubt he was talking about the bread.
Hope you liked it. :-)
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