Tuesday, August 10, 2004


When I first got here, I noticed that old women liked to cut in line. Not just for the bathroom, but for anything- at the grocery store, the movies, waiting for the bus, etc. At first, I was very surprised and I think it was my shock that prevented me from saying anything. After it happened quite a few times, I figured that since I am young, I have the time to wait, so there really is no need to get mad at whatever person for having no patience nor tact, and that it is ok to let this cultural attribute slide.

But as of recently, I have noticed that it isn´t just old women that cut in line- it is young women, men, children...absolutely everyone here cuts if the opportunity is given. And it isn´t like they just don´t see me- I am not the Invisible Woman.

So is it a case of the early bird getting the worm? Well, I guess it depends on your perspective of who the early bird is- me, for getting there first any waiting my turn, or the Chilean for having the perogative to creep up into the two feet of space between myself and the person in line in front of me order from the cashier before I have the chance to say anything...

My brother noticed it while he was here as well- someone cut in front of us at the movies, people continually cut in front of him while waiting for the ski lift at the slopes, and at the grocery store, to name a few. He said that if he had spoken the language, he would have definitely said something and he asked my why I usually choose not to.

Normally, I don´t say anything because it really isn´t anything worth getting riled up about. But yesterday, while waiting in line to petition for an art class, a Chilean girl walks up and sees that five of us students are waiting in the foyer while the Director was occupied with another student. I was next. When the student came out of the Director´s office, the chick tried to go into the office and close the door! Ahead of us all! So....I said that I was waiting to speak with the Director (who by this time had answered a phone call). The girl mumbled to me to go ahead into the office (which I was already in the middle of doing anyways). But as soon as the Director got off the phone, she started having a conversation with her anyways! How rude!

After two minutes of conversation, the Director told her that she would need to wait until she was done helping me. When I came out of the office, the Chilean chick ran up before anyone else could and I didn´t say anything because it would have been pointless. But cutting totally negates the whole point of a line...

I guess I can´t get mad at Chileans for their culture not considering it rude to cut. But it still frustrates me to the point of wanting to say something.