Should I expect anything different?
Today was the first day I went to school (yesterday I was up in the north with Mom, Dad, and Miguel). My schedule said that my Ethics in International Politics class was in E15, a classroom in the Construction building. It seemed a little fishy to me, but I had to go to find out. Since I didn`t know where it was, I had to be pointed in the right direction. Upon arrival, it of course, was the wrong classroom. But should I have expected anything different?After asking in three different offices, I was finally given the right classroom number and went on my happy little way. When I got to class, there were four students waiting...and no teacher. Ha ha. Of course.
So after waiting for forty-five minutes, I finally left. Next, I have to petition to be added to the finance class that I want as well as a mountaineering class. Hopefully those people are in their offices....
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