Teaching English
I am going to put my TEFL certificate to work- tomorrow will be first day of helping in an English class (well, that is if the teacher shows up- I tried to go last week but she was MIA). I will be helping in two different classes of high school students- it should be fun.B-I-N-G-O
Woo hoo! I haven´t played BINGO since the time I took my sister (like three years ago) to San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino in good ol´San Bernardino. The "young club" is having a fundraiser this Saturday for their foundation which supports a home for children with metabolic diseases that prevent their bodies from absorbing the nutrients that they need from the food that they consume.
Presentation in my Intercultural Health Class
Yeah, I worked like ten hours on a Power Point presentation for my IH class, with many problems. I couldn´t fit the darn thing on to a disk, nor email it to myself, so I had to save it on the computer that I was working on in the computer lab in the Nursing building at school.
Today, when I returned to the lab to split it and save it onto seperate disks (because things like ZIPs and RWs don´t exist down here), there was a group of students working on a project- and they wouldn´t let me use the computer!! Mind you- they were using two computers in the lab and there are about 200 more computers on campus that they could have been using. But the one that they wouldn´t let me use was the only one I could use!!! Can you believe it? After waiting for an hour- yes, an hour- I finally approached them again and asked to use the computer (since my group had to present in less than 45 minutes) and I still had to put some finishing touches on the presentation. They (grudgingly) permitted me- but not without staring and breathing down my back the whole time and trying to tell me that the way I was saving it was wrong (although I knew it was right).
uuhh. What-ever! (Make sure and put the emphasis on that like a true so.cal girl would do.)
Needless to say, we presented the work. Well, the Chilean girls presented it because they thought they would be better than the other gringa or I. But since the other gringa and I were the ones that did all of the research for the project, half of the stuff that they said was wrong. However, since the country we studied was Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) and is not very well known, even in a developing country, hopefully the prof won´t take note of the grave errors that they made while presenting.
Lesson Learned- Although I have an accent, I need to be assertive with the things I would like. Sometimes, I may get them (like the computer) and sometimes not (like presenting the right facts). But I guess we can´t always have what we want, right?
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