So all this time I haven´t really written about school... but I am attending La Universidad Católica in case you forgot. I do have school responsibilities you know. So I am going to take this chance to explain a little bit of what I have been doing this past week in classes, just to give you an understanding of what my university life is like.In my Human Rights and Moral Conflicts class, I had a test on Tuesday over some theortical texts on the arguments for and against euthanasia. Today, I met with my group from this same class because we have to do research on the possbilities of a Red Light District in Santiago and argue the moral and ethical, as well as political and economic aspects of this proposition. Today, I went to a Café Con Piernas (read one of my first few blogs to find out more info about what one is) and spoke with an owner to find out his perspective of the pros and cons.
In my Intercultural Health class on Tuesday, we listened to a Mapuche Machi, an important psychologist-doctor-religious-like figure in the indigenous Mapuche culture of Chile. It was very interesting. Today we learned about an ethnonursing (very rough translation) model which applies transculturation points of view to an intercultural application in the nursing field. I have a group project coming up in this class as well, but I don´t really know what it is yet.
In my Formation of the Family class (very interesting from the perspective of a conservative Catholic developing country), I recently had to interview one person from a couple (or ex-couple) in order to investigate some of the problems and postive aspects that they have encountered in couplehood. I still have to finish my conclusions and turn it in...
In my Spanish class, I have to write a short story using all of the grammatical stuructures that we have recently studied. And in my photography class, I haven´t really been doing many hands-on things in the lab, but I did take some awesome pictures while in Machu Pichuu and need to print some in order to submit them for the exposition that we are going to have at the end of the semester.
So now you have a small idea of what I am up to. Right now, I am also working on my mid-year report to hand into Rotary, which has to be in English and Spanish. All this, plus my volunteer work. And I try to get to the gym every once in a while, but that hasn´t been very frequent in the past few weeks. I am just a little bit busy... :-)
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