So Much To Say
This past weekend was a crazy one- a leadership conference, Rotary dinner, Rotary symphony, school work, life.... So much to do and so little time...amd so much to say.All in all, it was a VERY good weekend for me for various reasons- most of all it was eye opening. I don`t have much time to write a long blog today (writing in here is usually my excuse to not do homework) so I will just share a few things that I learned these past few days...
1. Chileans eat a lot of bread.
2. I am now accustomed to the loud noise that my refridgerator makes.
3. I need to learn to listen better.
4. My nephew (he is two) is very friendly.
5. I should do half of the amount of things that I do, but do them wholeheartedly.
And one more phrase that I wrote today-
"Define Yourself, Refine Yourself.
But first you have to Find Yourself."
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