It`s a Small World Afterall
So last year in Reno, I met three Chileans who were studying at UNR through the exchange program. One of them, Omar, lived with my friends and I and I have seen him numerous times here in Santiago. Another, Eric, wrote to me on New Years of this year- I told him that I was coming and he promised that we would get together, yet we still haven´t. The other, Claudio, I tried to send an email to before coming down here, but I had the wrong email address and I never got a hold of him.Well, yesterday, I went to the Castillo Café (it is really called Café Florida since that is where they lived) and my friend Natalia tells me that she met some Chilean guy who thinks he knows me. I had no idea who she was talking about. She said that his dad always eats at their restaurant and his son came to lunch with him. While they were talking, he mentioned that he had studied in Reno, NV for a year and she said that she had a friend named Rebecca who lived there. He told her that he had met a Rebecca but that she was going to go to Spain for this year. Since Natalia wasn`t sure about my history (that yes, indeed I was going to go to Spain), she thought it was someone else. But when she told me all of this, I asked her if the son`s name was Claudio- and lo and behold- it is.
So today, I am going to go to her café to meet up with him. She tried to bring me to his office last night (he works as a lawyer with his dad in office that actually has a view of the Catillo Café- where I go practically every day) but he wasn`t there because it was already late. How random is that? In Santiago, a city of millions of people, I am going to re-connect with a friend from Reno who didn´t even know that I was here in Santiago....the world is a small place.
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