Friday, December 24, 2004


Last night was hard. I was in downtown Santiago passing out food and Christmas presents (the items that I had been collecting all year from exchange students who were leaving and couldn´t take everything with them) to people who live on the street. Kids too. Lots of them.

By the time we finished, it was late so I went home in order to pack. I was planning on packing up everything in my suitcases in order to have everything ready for when I return to Santiago in three weeks...but I ran into a problem. I have three suitcases and more than enough stuff to fill them with (I can check in two suitcases but I will have to pay for the third if I want to bring it). But after being on the street with these kids who run around barefoot and live by fires in abandoned buildings...I felt so guilty for even looking at all of the STUFF that I have accumulated.

And do I really need this stuff? Well, most of the things are items that I have aquired during my travels, a few items of clothes, books, papers from school, etc. But other things that I was planning on bringing home include my bedspread and some dishes that I bought here.

How necessary are these things? In order to live, they aren´t, I suppose. In order to be happy, they aren´t either. But where do I draw the line? I don´t know yet. I haven´t decided. I´m going to think about that during the next three weeks while traveling in the south. Maybe seeing some natural beauty will clear my head.