Last night I partied WAY too hard- I stayed up until 2am playing KITTY- a poker style game imported to Chile from the US. :-) It was fun- I was with my friend Claudio (one of the Chileans I met in Reno), his wife and little boy, his brother, and their aunt, uncle, and cousin. I had never played it before but I imagine that it is a big game amongst the retired or circles of women back home in the south. I won 940 pesos- roughly a $1.50. Hey- with that little a person could buy three metro tickets, or a liter of beer, or four alfajors (Chilean chocolate filled with caramel-like manjar), or two liters of bottled water, or a hot dog with french fries, or two empanadas (like a Hot Pocket- typical Chilean fare), or a kilo and a half of cherries, or an hour and a half of Internet in a café, or pack of cigarrettes, or two pairs of socks...well, you get the picture.KITTY
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